Saturday, July 11, 2015

Paris Ramadan Stunt: A Comedian, a Propagandist, and the Social Engineers

July 11, 2015 (Tony Cartalucci - LD) - When tasteless alleged French comedian Yacine Hasnaoui decided to pose as a "Muslim," shouting at Paris restaurant patrons for "eating during Ramadan," before overturning tables and frightening by-standers, he probably realized shortly after just how un-funny his stunt was - which is precisely why he officially apologized for it on his Facebook page.

However, that the incident centered around a remorseful comedian, and not actually a Muslim, or even a brainwashed extremists posing as a Muslim, did not matter to what is essentially an industry built upon anti-Islamic propaganda serving not just the function of social engineering through elementary divide and conquer, but also serving as the rhetorical basis to continue waging war overseas, while stripping away the rights of citizens back home.

Leading the charge was career Neo-Conservative propagandist Robert Spencer, long-ago exposed at the center of other manufactured stunts including the "Ground Zero Mosque" and more recently, a shooting in Texas during a "Mohamed Drawing Contest." Regarding Hasnaoui's tasteless joke, Spencer's website, "Jihad Watch," shamelessly posted a headline reading, "Paris: Muslim overturns restaurant tables, shouts “People can’t eat, it’s Ramadan!”," before concluding:
It’s simple: in Muslim countries, non-Muslims must conform their behavior to suit Muslim sensibilities. In non-Muslim countries, non-Muslims must conform their behavior to suit Muslim sensibilities.

The one thing Spencer gets right is the fact that it is indeed simple: people are easily manipulated, so much so that a comedian's stunt which he has already apologized for, can still be used to inspire fear, terror, hatred, division, and obedience across what is apparently still a supremely ignorant and easily manipulated population. Spencer's article was picked up across both Neo-Conservative circles and unfortunately, even in the alternative press where cognitive infiltration has been making steady headway.

Image: Headline should read: "Paris: Comedian overturns tables..."
Readers responded to Spencer's allegations with predictable condemnation toward all Muslims and calls for genocide against all practitioners of Islam. In order to implement these easily provoked desires of war and genocide, the corporate-financier interests across the West have an array of ready-made legislation at home and wars abroad prepared - the same interests that fund Spencer's otherwise unproductive, divisive, and apparently poorly researched work.

It is clear that once again, that which provokes fear, hysteria, hatred, and outrage amongst the peoples of the West the most, is a stunt of their own creation, having nothing at all to do with the supposed enemy of "Islam."  And even that perceived enemy of "Islam" is owed to networks of militant extremists funded, armed, organized, and directed by Washington, London, Brussels, and their regional allies in Riyadh, Doha, Ankara, Tel Aviv, and Amman.

And in the battle against these extremists, were you to ask one of Spencer's readers, they would tell you they and Mr. Spencer himself are at the forefront of the battle. In reality, tens of thousands of Muslims, alongside Christians, Druzes, and the secular, have shed their blood from North Africa to the Levant and beyond, fighting this scourge face-to-face on the battlefield and paying the ultimate price in the process.

Image: The Syrian Arab Army. Those that fight militant extremism the hardest are Muslims themselves. Dying in the tens of thousands, Syrians have fought bitterly to defeat the scourge of Al Qaeda, the so-called "Islamic State" and other Western-armed and backed groups laying waste to their nation disingenuously in the name of "Islam." If Spencer was serious about defeating the threat he writes about daily, he would be shoulder-to-shoulder with these men, not attempting to undermine them. 
And while Hasnaoui may be condemned for his tasteless, divisive joke, he has in actuality provided us with an immensely valuable public service - he has exposed the irrational hysteria that seizes the minds of men and empowers the manipulators in controlling society at home to in turn, empower subjugation abroad. Spencer either didn't know, or care about the truth behind the Paris stunt - it was simply another opportunity to fan the flames of conflict that fuel both is own personal ambitions and those who have allowed him pursue professional manipulation as a career instead of having to find a real, constructive occupation.

For those that find themselves regularly repeating Spencer's propaganda and that of those who circle in his orbit, they must take this most recent incident to heart as a warning that the only thing they will accomplish is the division of society, the further empowerment of the establishment, and the complete and utter annihilation of their credibility.

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