Sunday, April 19, 2020

The Massive Covid-19 Hoax

April 19, 2020 (Tony Cartalucci - LD) - By all accounts and from the very beginning it was clear that Coronavirus Disease 2019 (Covid-19) was at the very most a bad cold - little more dangerous than the annual flu - but being deliberately hyped to stampede the public into a tangled web of bad policies.

As early as last month cooler-headed experts warned that hyped death rates spread by politicians, the Western corporate media, other various panic-mongers, and even World Health Organization (WHO) officials would give way to much, much lower death rates as more people were tested, found to have had the virus, and showed little to no symptoms.

The numbers of infections versus deaths in Iceland where testing has been the most widespread shows a death rate of about 0.5%, though only 5% of the population has been tested. 50% of those tested showed no symptoms at all meaning that many, many more Icelanders likely had the virus, overcame it with ease, and never visited a doctor or hospital to avail themselves for testing or to make into national Covid-19 statistics.

Another study conducted in the United States by Stanford University found the infection rate was likely 50-85 times higher than reported - meaning the death rate was astronomically lower than reported at around 0.2% to as low as 0.12% - not the 3-4% claimed by the World Health Organization.

In other words - Covid-19 is no more dangerous or deadly than the annual flu. But it has been hyped as such by Western politicians, the Western corporate media, and even international institutions like WHO - a deliberate deception accompanied by coordinated theater including government briefings with reporters comically spaced out in "fear" of contracting Covid-19.

Other props used to panic the public into imprisoning themselves at home and accepting the immense socioeconomic damage "lockdowns" are causing included showing the expotential graphs of infections seemingly rising straight up with no end in sight.

If responsible journalists put these graphs in context - say, perhaps next to annual flu infection curves - the public would notice they are identical and simply represent the way the flu, colds, and Covid-19 which is related to both - work their way through populations.

The same goes for total deaths. Should the media present Covid-19 deaths in the context of and in comparison to annual deaths from the flu, Americans - for example - would see that versus the 2019 flu season, Covid-19 is actually 30,000-40,000 deaths short of just matching the common flu - saying nothing of living up to the hype and hysteria the government and media have deliberately created around Covid-19 to justify lockdowns.

So why have governments around the globe crippled their economies, put millions out of work, and placed draconian measures in place to, in essence, imprison their populations at home?

Those with power and money seek to keep what they have and to take what little is left in the hands of others. During the manufactured "War on Terror," similar hysteria was deliberately spread across society to justify draconian police powers at home and endless wars abroad - pouring ultimately trillions into the accounts of defense contractors and the financial institutions invested in them.

During a manufactured health crisis like the 2009 H1N1 "Swine Flu" outbreak, the unfounded fear of an uncontrollable pathogen ravaging the population helped justify the centralizing of control over people's health and lifestyle while pumping billions in pubic funding into the coffers of big-pharma.

And here we are again with the very same interests who lied to us about all of the above, doing it again and on a much larger and more destructive scale - creating socioeconomic havoc virtually no one will escape completely.

If the Covid-19 hoax doesn't convince you to divest from the politicians and the corporations they serve - including divesting from big-business' goods and services - nothing will. Special interests just beta-tested turning entire nations into virtual prisons. If people allow it this time, their ability to do it again and to an even greater and more disruptive degree is all but guaranteed. 

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