Saturday, October 10, 2015

Blast Shakes Ankara Just in Time to Justify NATO Incursion into Syria

October 10, 2015 (Tony Cartalucci - LD) - A massive blast has killed at least 30 and injured over 100 more in NATO-member Turkey's capital of Ankara. The blast appears to have targeted the pro-Kurdish Peoples' Democratic Party (HDP) who was holding a peace rally at the moment of the explosion.

CNN would report in their article, "30 killed in bombing near main train station in Turkey's capital," that:
At least one powerful bomb hit near the main train station in the Turkish capital Saturday morning, killing 30 people,authorities said, making it the deadliest attack in Ankara in recent memory.
It would also claim that:
No group has yet claimed responsibility for the attack, though suspicion immediately fell on the ISIS terrorist group or on Kurdish separatists in Turkey. 

Turkey avoided, for quite some time, any conflict with ISIS, perhaps in exchange for the release earlier this year of dozens of Turkish hostages seized in the Iraqi city of Mosul. No details of those negotiations have been released. 

However, Turkey recently changed its stance and allowed the U.S. to launch strikes on ISIS from the Incirlik Air Base in southern Turkey.
While CNN attempts to portray Turkey as holding a generally hostile stance toward the so-called "Islamic State" (ISIS), it finally admits toward the end of its report that:
New reports have said that many Turks have joined ISIS' ranks and that Turks, many of whom have been recruiting in Ankara, may make up a third of ISIS' ranks.
Image: Via Germany's DW - despite Ankara's attempts to portray itself as an enemy of ISIS, it has intentionally left its borders open, across which flow literally 100's of supply trucks a day destined for ISIS forces. This explains the otherwise inexplicably vast fighting capacity ISIS has displayed as it fights the combined forces of Syria, Iran, Iraq, and now Russia. 
Indeed, with nearly a third of ISIS composed of Turkish terrorists, with Turkey being a regional, even global state-sponsor of terrorism targeting as far afield as China and Thailand, and with Turkey allowing its borders to remain open and feed what is clearly ISIS' primary supply corridor just north of the Syrian city of Aleppo, it is clear that if "ISIS" was behind the blasts - it was Ankara itself who organized and executed them, and who will attempt to leverage them for maximum benefit.

Terrorism as a Tool: To What End?

The bombing comes just as the US attempts to answer Russia's recent and expanding anti-terror operation being carried out within Syria with the cooperation of the Syrian government itself, Iran, and Iraq.

The US counterstroke was revealed in the Washington Post's article, "US abandons Pentagon’s failed rebel-building effort in Syria," which reported that:
The Obama administration is overhauling its approach to fighting the Islamic State in Syria, abandoning a failed Pentagon effort to build a new ground force of moderate rebels and instead partnering with established rebel groups, officials said Friday.
The Washington Post reveals transparently that American support of "rebels" in Syria is aimed not at ISIS, but admittedly at the Syrian government. The Washington Post also suggests the the US is considering options to provide military protection for these terrorists from Russian military operations. It reported (emphasis added):
The change also reflects growing concern in the Obama administration that Russia’s intervention has complicated the Syrian battlefield and given new life to President Bashar Assad. Russian airstrikes have raised questions about whether and how the U.S. would protect rebel groups it is working with if they are hit by Russian bombs. 

Meanwhile, the CIA has since 2013 trained some 10,000 rebels to fight Assad’s forces. Those groups have made significant progress against strongholds of the Alawites, Assad’s sect, but are now under Russian bombardment. The covert CIA program is the only way the U.S. is taking on Assad militarily.
Clearly instead of actually fighting ISIS which would most effectively be done by simply cutting their supply lines in Turkey running right out of NATO territory, the US plan involves directly confronting the Russian-backed offensive aimed north - which itself seeks to cut ISIS' supply lines. In order to do so, the US will require a significant commitment from Turkey who itself has proposed and advocated the US policy of establishing "safe havens" also sometimes referred to as "buffer zones" or "free zones" within seized territory in northern Syria. However, Turkey has lacked the justification and internal political support to do so.

Image: The US and its ally Turkey would have the world believe "accidental" arm transfers have sustained ISIS' otherwise inexplicably vast fighting capacity - "accidents" including the transfer of scores of brand new Toyota trucks by the US State Department now in the hands of ISIS fighters.

The bombing may have possibly been a means of justifying direct Turkish involvement in Syria under the guise of retaliating against ISIS, all while establishing the long-planned "safe haven" to preserve ISIS' primary supply corridor, check Russian military operations, and from there, expand toward the division, destruction, and eventual overthrow of Syria as a nation-state.

It should be noted that those targeted by the explosion are in fact linked to Kurdish groups the Turkish government is currently also waging war on, in addition to its proxy war with Syria.

The true culprits behind the bombing in Ankara may never be revealed - because the use of violence is so widespread among many of Turkey's prominent political factions. However, how the terrorist attack is leveraged, and for whom it ends up benefiting the most will surely reveal the primary suspects. If "ISIS" claims responsibility or is blamed, suspicion will be raised regarding the current government's direct involvement in the blasts. 

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