Saturday, June 16, 2012

US Attempting to Trigger Full Proxy War in Syria

Torrent of propaganda, foreign arms, and political sabotage seek to fulfill broader plans for destabilization. 
by Tony Cartalucci

June 17, 2012 - Over the last week, the US has been outright caught lying - admittedly by Pentagon officials, regarding Russian gunships being shipped to Syria. In New York Times' "Copters in Syria May Not Be New, U.S. Officials Say," a senior defense department official admitted when US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton made her fraudulent claim regarding Russian weapon shipments, she "put a little spin on it to put the Russians in a difficult position."

The New York Times continued by stating, "Mrs. Clinton’s claim about the helicopters, administration officials said, is part of a calculated effort to raise the pressure on Russia to abandon President Bashar al-Assad, its main ally in the Middle East," indicative of the campaign of propaganda and lies orchestrated by the US State Department, the British Foreign Office, and Western and Gulf State news outlets around the world to demonize both the Syrian government and its extensive allies around the world, contrary to the facts on the ground. 

Also adding to the torrent of propaganda was Human Rights Watch (HRW) and US State Department-run Amnesty International, both of which are funded by convicted criminal, Wall Street speculator George Soros, which attempted to level charges of "abuses" by Syrian forces, as always based solely on the "witness accounts" of admitted members of the opposition. The United Nations as well attempted to frame Syrian forces for using "children" as human shields. Despite having 300 monitors on the ground in Syria, again, the report was compiled solely using opposition "witness accounts,"  reminiscent of a late 2011 UN human rights report also compiled from opposition hearsay, in Geneva - not even Syria - and compiled by Karen Koning AbuZayd.

AbuZayd is concurrently a member of the Washington D.C. based Middle East Policy Council, along side current and former associates of Exxon, the US military, the CIA, the Saudi Binladin Group, the US-Qatari Business Council and both former and current members of the US government - illustrating an immense conflict of interests and devaluing the UN's credibility to unprecedented lows.

However, as evidence continues to point the finger at opposition sectarian extremists for the massacre at Houla, Syria, and at NATO-armed foreign fighters filtering into Syria to repeat atrocities now fully documented in Libya, organizations like Amnesty, HRW, and even the UN itself are increasingly losing credibility to convince all but the weakest of minds.

Despite this, the West continues to seek ways of arming sectarian extremists operating in Syria under the banner of the "Free Syrian Army" (FSA), with the Washington Post confirming in their article, "Syrian rebels get influx of arms with gulf neighbors’ money, U.S. coordination," that weapons, cash, and logistical support is indeed being provided to terrorist forces in Syria by the United States, Saudi Arabia, Qatar, and other Gulf States even as the West berated the Syrian government for "violating" the terms of a ceasefire allegedly being brokered by Kofi Annan. The West is doing in reality what they admittedly are lying about Russia doing for the sake of "raising pressure," with Russia in turn leveling much more credible accusations against the US for arming sectarian extremists in Syria.

The Western press is now intent on portraying the violence in Syria as a "civil war," despite the fact that the vast majority of weapons, cash, and fighters constituting the "Syrian opposition" are actually foreign. This includes hundreds of sectarian extremists who have invaded from Libya (and here) and Lebanon as planned since 2007 as described in Seymour Hersh's "The Redirection" in the New Yorker. 

Russia, Iran, Syria, China, and the ALBA nations of South America are attempting to promote the actual fulfillment of the Kofi Annan peace plan, seemingly sabotaged by the West from the very beginning. It appears that the West merely used the ceasefire as a means to demonize the Syrian government while regrouping, rearming, and redeploying their proxy forces throughout the region.

What follows next depends entirely on the resolve of the Syrian people to resist what is essentially a foreign proxy invasion - not a civil war. This will be affected greatly by the support Syria gets from a world increasingly aware of the "international community" led by Wall Street and London plotting Syria's fall that would be but another step toward the inevitable destabilization and collapse of each remaining sovereign nation-state. The tools left for the West to utilize is propaganda and terror, both of which should be expected to be used with increasing frequency, even if by doing so it diminishes its overall effectiveness.

There is no turning back for the West, it has created a global cascade of destabilization, revealed its hand that it is aiming not only to overrun all of the Middle East, Central and Southeast Asia, but eventually Moscow and Beijing as well.

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